Opening hours

We have open for pre-booked groups. Book the day before your visit.
Minimum 4 persons.

*Please note that we will close Prison Island and VR 2 hours earlier if we don’t have any bookings.

Exceptional hours

Prison Island

We recommend at least 2 hours in the prison. Then you’ll have time to try all the cells.

Children who are 7 years or younger is free of charged in the company of a paying adult (max one children per paying adult).

Prison Island

8-99 years old
270 SEK
320 SEK


You rent the VR in 20 minutes periods. You either play the whole time alone or share it with your friends.


20 min
40 min
60 min
200 SEK
380 SEK
550 SEK
Always a good reason!

Prison Island attracts hundred of thousands of visitors every year. Anyone between 8 and 99 years old can join in, at any occasion.